Hi, I've set up the new website Yay!
You can find it at:
Hope you like it :)

Just as a reminder, I lost access to Stories For Good and will no longer be able to post stories here. All further stories will be posted to the new Tales Of Kindness site.
Thanks :)
Hi :)
How is everyone?

I'm all good. But as it happens, I lost access to the email account connected with this site. And, I forgot the password I used here. Thus I won't be able to post any other stories.

However, I still have access to the mobile app and will still be able to post messages and respond to comments.

I will keep you updated about the new site, which I hope to put up around Christmas. :)
I know it was a long wait, and I'm sorry that I wan't able to finish any of the stories that I promised you several months ago.
I'll definitely try stay more up to speed in the future.

As always, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, and you never know, there's a good chance your suggestions may make it into one or more of the stories. Furthermore, I appreciate your time and would love to make these stories more than just a time-killing-activity, but for that, I need your input.

Thanks for your feedback, and enjoy The man of the field. :)
Bye :)